the trio world tour 1996 - 19



I have never in my life been in a place so distant from Japan and yet is only one hour time difference away . Most of us usually think of the horizontal lines that mark the international time zones as being the measure of time all overthe world. Often we overlook the fact that the earth is round and that the lines that demarcate the international time zone runs from top to bottom of the globe and that this distance is far and wide. Being here really makes you realizes what all the lines really mean. If you go out into outer space these horizontal and vertical lines make no difference but I guess while you are on earth they do.


I sleep until one in the afternoon due to jet lag. I am woken up to take a phone interview from Taiwan. I am half asleep through the entire interview.

Someone tells me that to adjust one's internal body clock it is useful to expose onesself to the sun so I go out for a walk. It turns out the hotel I am staying in is located close to the red light district of Sydney. I scope the whole placeout. There are a lot of Korean run businesses in this area. There are also acouple of Japanese run businesses too. Chinatown is located a little bit further away. I am impressed again by the Chinese and Korean people's will to survive. I buy a couple of CD's. I have a cup of capuccino in a small coffee shop similar to the kind of shop you find in Kichijoji in Tokyo.


I hear in the news that Taka-aki Yoshimoto almost drowned and that he is in critical condition. An image of Maenaka enters my head.


Back in my hotel roon, I watch "Broken Arrow" and "Bird Cage"."Bird Cage" is a good movie.


I do a search on gernerative music on Alta Vista and get straigh to Brian Eno's web page, KOAN. I don't down load it because I am not in a good mood. I let Yasaka know about the URL and I find out he just found out about it yesterday too. I burn for "encoded music".


The one giga-byte of memory in my lap top is getting full so right now I don't fee llike increasing it. When I get to Tokyo I will get a 640M MO. I tell myself that there is no way of getting around trying to limit my luggage during my travels.


Tomorrowwe go to Melbourne.

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